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jump cut

In film, a jump cut edits together such seemingly discontinuous parts into a coherent, discernible whole. The project sets forth two incompatible section cuts from several possible buildings, devoid of site, context, and program, to be reconciled with such an architectural edit. My project analyzes the two given sections through mathematical reasoning, as explained below.

The results of the operations on the two sets and their elements create a quasi-cubic form on the exterior. While the form attempts to be a cube, each face is interrupted by the subtraction of an element from the intersection of Sets A and B. 

While the exterior of the cubic form plays with tolerance through the subtraction of elements of the intersections of A and B, the interior tests the tolerance of the cubic form both horizontally, through circulation around a twisting void and intersecting elements of Sets A and B, and vertically, through the offset of the floor plates.

Core 1, Harvard GSD

Fall 2020

Studio Michelle Chang

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